Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Some Bright Lights

Last night Zürich Daddy Geek and Little Geek Girl went for a walk and saw the first firefly of the season.

And this morning ZDG and I were woken up at 6 am by a severe thunderstorm.

Monday, June 1, 2009

European numbers

Little Geek Girl lived in Switzerland for 15 months. She refused to speak German, but she's acquired some European habits with regards to numbers.

Here in the U.S. when we count to three with our fingers, we first hold up our index finger, than our middle finger, and then our ring finger.

Here's LGG demonstrating the European way (thumb, index finger, middle finger).

She counts with her fingers the European way about 50% of the time.

Numbers are also written a little differently. The one has a little serif, and the seven has a line through it. Here's some of her handiwork done at kindergarten.

I think her numbers are okay for kindergarten, but they might think differently in first grade.