Friday, February 15, 2008

Mikkee Mows and Donnod Duck

It's a cold and dreary day in Zürich today and it became a "stay at home" day. It was also laundry day (we ate at a smoky place last night) and that's a subject for its own post. We're fortunate that in our temporary apartment we have our own washer and dryer.

As part of our German lessons, Little Geek Girl and I watch cartoons. (Okay she watches and I try to get stuff done. Or do nothing). Afterwards she often draws what she saw on the TV. Today she watched Mickey Mouse's Clubhouse and therefore drew pictures of all the main characters. The drawings themselves are fun, but what was also cool was to see how she spelled their names.

donnod duck
mikkee mows
minneey mows
dazee duck

I'm guessing that she deduced that since you spell cow c-o-w, then the ou sound in mouse must be o-w.

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