Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Geeks are Online Again...

We're sorry for the long gap in posting, but the past couple of weeks have been pretty busy. We're trying to get caught up now.

The biggest news is that we've finally moved into a long-term apartment here in Zürich! No more 5 AM "wake up and read" times, no more showings and preparing applications, no more stress about where to live. The short version: we saw the place, were offered it, saw it again, and accepted it in one week in mid-March. We signed the contract later in the week, paid the deposit and rent, and got the keys on 31 March - perfect, as our friends who sublet their place to us for January-March were coming back on 1 April. We got out just in time, and have been settling in. There's obviously much more to say there, so be on the lookout for some upcoming posts on our new place.

The other main highlight for the past month: a great 3-week visit from Auntie Geek with lots of good food, day trips to fun places, and good times. Unfortunately for her, we had mostly cruddy weather in Zürich the past few weeks - cold, rainy, and snowy - and two days after she left, we entered a string of sunny and warm days. Hmmm. Anyway, we really liked having Auntie Geek with us and we miss her already. There will be posts; oh, yes, there will be posts.

For now, please bear with us as we catch up, and be on the lookout for posts on drinking hot chocolate at a UNESCO World Heritage site; the further adventures of ZMG as she attempts not to die at Mt. Rigi; Bern, the city brought to you by the letter 'P'; "What the hell, let's go to France"; and various other recent bits of The Geek Life in Zürich.

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