Monday, January 12, 2009

That round orb in the sky

Yesterday afternoon we took an afternoon walk through the snow covered forest. We pointed out the feathery frost covering the bushes to Little Geek Girl. I thought Zürich Daddy Geek was calling it "Rhein" frost, as in the Rhein river, but it's actually rime frost. See, I learn a new thing everyday.

This morning while I was waiting for LGG to come home from morning class, I took the opportunity to take some photos of the rime frost on the way.

After I dropped her off for afternoon class I went up the hill for a walk and there the rime frost was even thicker, but I had left the camera at home. But even more exciting was that after ten overcast days in a row, that thing in the sky called the sun was shining! Many people were out on the wanderwegs enjoying the balmy 0 °C weather and blue skies.


Amanda said...

I am so glad I found your blog, and that I now know what "the fog sticking to the trees" is actually called. I think I will impress my geek husband when I point out the "hard rime" next time we're on a walk...

Zurich Mama Geek said...

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you're having fun in your part of Switzerland. We Geeks are full of way too many geek facts :)