Nai-Nai and I went up the hill to watch the proceedings. When we arrived, LGG had already been given her crown and her necklace made of cookies. She got to pick which kids closed the blinds of the room. The she sat at the head of the table and assigned the kids to their seats at the birthday table. The kids sang happy birthday and another song. Then the teacher and all of the students took turns holding LGG's hands and wishing her something for her birthday. I have to admit I was getting a little teary at this point. Here's Nai-Nai giving LGG her birthday wishes:

For the "unlikely to ever happen in the U.S." portion of this post, here's the birthday sparkler that every kid gets on their birthday:

Then the kids feasted on bread and chocolate that we had brought for the birthday celebration. I went home to bake and Nai-Nai spent the rest of the morning playing in the kindergarten with LGG.
ZDG decided to leave work early so he could pick up LGG from afternoon class. However, she chided him because now that's she's six, she plans to walk all the way down the hill to the crosswalk near our flat. We'll see how that works out starting tomorrow.
We started off with some cake. LGG had requested "cow cake", aka marble pound cake. Here she is blowing out the candles. I had put the plastic wrap to protect the cake from splatter, but it was actually more important for protection from ZDG getting candle wax everywhere.

Among other things, LGG received books (Pet Jokes, Narnia, Magic School Bus),


Kung Fu Panda (here she is in her Tigress pose),

and a Webkins Tiger.

Wednesday afternoon she'll be having another party with friends. It's hard to believe that she's already six years old!
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