Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Like Mother, Like Daughter, Take 2

Just a quick post following up on the theme of ZMG's post on reading...

It's now 10 PM and time for LGG to turn out the lights and go to sleep.  I just went in to do that, and she earnestly said, "Dada, I just want to read to here - it's only two more pages".  Which is very similar to ZMG's usual response when I point out that it's 11 PM and she has been reading for "just a few more minutes" for the past two hours: "I just want to read to the end of the chapter."  

You'll note she never specifies which chapter.

1 comment:

Twelfthknit said...

When I was younger and more innocent Number Guy said the same thing. Then I realised that Discworld books didn't come in chapters!