Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Another Snowy Moving Day

When we moved from Colorado in December, 2007 it was a snowy day.  Once again, we move on another snowy day.  It's not really accumulating, but there are flakes coming down.

Yesterday we started the process of de-registering.  Go to one office and fill out a form.  Go to another office, oh, it's too close to closing, come back tomorrow.  We need this magical piece of paper saying we're officially leaving the country so we can cancel most of our services.  The electric company was easy, we were able to call and give an address for the final bill.  But Cablecom and the insurance companies want a registered letter.

Movers are packing away.

Little Geek Girl likes her hotel room (it's decorated especially for a kid and has several large stuffed animals from IKEA, plus her own stuffed donkey to take with her) but she's not too crazy with the change in routine.  I woke up early to meet the movers (and unfortunately I thought they were arriving at 7 am and missed the hotel breakfast when it turns out my notes said they would arrive between 7:30 am and 8 am and they arrived at 8 am).  ZDG had to deal with LGG wanting to eat breakfast before changing clothes.  Eventually he got her changed, fed, and to kindergarten.


Global Librarian said...

I've seen adults eating in their pajamas at hotel breakfasts buffets. Doubt anyone would bat an eye at a 6 year old doing it!

Zurich Mama Geek said...

Maybe we'll let her go in her PJs on the weekend...