Friday, March 27, 2009

Paris Interlude

In 2007, when we decided to come to Zürich, I declared that we would go to Paris in April 2009 to celebrate my 40th birthday. However, last fall I decided that maybe we should go somewhere new, but then preparations for moving kind of took over our lives. So, after considering many places, we have decided to go to Paris. Pretty funny, huh? Little Geek Girl really wanted to go to Italy (can you say gelato?) and it would have been warmer there and easier to feed her, but it's my birthday and I say we go to Paris. Great food, great sights, did I mention great pastries? And we're getting an apartment so we should have more room if we need to spread out, relax at home, or cook noodles for LGG. And we're using Zürich Daddy Geek's frequent flyer miles to fly Auntie Geek over so she can give us backrubs and babysit. I think that's a fair trade for a trip to Paris, don't you?

1 comment:

Global Librarian said...

Auntie Kara is getting a free cruise in exchange for some baby-sitting services.

Definitely fair!