Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Fourteen years and counting

Today is our 14th wedding anniversary.  In the last fourteen years we have:  completed our Ph.D.s, continued on with postdoctoral studies, moved to CO for ZDG's job and suburban living, and now here we are in Zürich (tomorrow is our 6 month anniversary of arriving here).  Oh yeah, and we had LGG.

Unfortunately, LGG and I now have the cold ZDG caught on the way to the Netherlands.  I've been in bed all day, ZDG worked from home, and amazingly LGG mostly entertained herself.  We have some good footage from the kindergarten party last night, but that will have to wait until a later date to be posted.  I haven't done my German homework and I'm too fried to go to German class, so I'm hoping the instructor will wait until after the six week break to go over prepositions.


Twelfthknit said...

Ah, prepositions, eh? Just done a bit about that...

Zurich Mama Geek said...

I think I'm going to need some additional help. Immersion is nice and all, but sometimes you need a good explanation in English. There are just too many ways (zu, an, nach, etc) to say "to".

Jessica said...

Congrats on the wedding anniversary. That's fantastic!

The Big Finn said...

Don't worry about missing German class...

After a few years, you'll realize that all you needed were a few classes.

It's pretty easy to fake your way through a conversation auf Deutsch!