LGG and I walked up the hill together in the snow, which LGG just loves. She loves making footprints, jumping in the slush, getting hit on the head by snow falling off a tree branch, throwing snow at Daddy, etc. OK, so the walk took a little longer than normal today due to the other activities, but we had fun. "Due to the snow, operations will be irregular today."
Her teacher is very thoughtful: she's warming the kids' gloves on the radiator so they will be comfortable on the way home.
After leaving LGG and greeting the other parents coming in ("Schönes Wetter heute, ey?"), I headed up the hill to work, deciding to take the bus rather than deal with snowy uphill trails. The first bus to reach my stop drove by completely full, and the bus which came about one minute later was 95% full, but did stop. Normally, buses come every 5-10 minutes on this route and are nowhere near full. "Due to the snow, operations will be irregular today."
Once I squeezed on just far enough for the driver to close the doors, I saw the message on the videoscreen that gives this post's theme. Among the irregular operations, I ended up being a support post for the older woman next to me who had no secure handhold (she apologized very politely for holding my shoulder as the bus slogged its way along), and two of my coworkers' buses couldn't even make it up their hills and had to take very wide detours up gentler slopes. (One of them very honestly said, "I could have gotten off the bus and walked, but I felt like being lazy!")
Here's the view from my office window this morning (sorry for the poor quality, but it's the best I could get from my mobile phone):
I'll close with a gratuitous German lesson:
der Schnee: snow
Es schneit: It is snowing.
and a hint for ZMG:
Wenn es schneit, ist Älplermagronen gute zum Essen!
1 comment:
sounds like our morning... the daughter and i went to hop on the tram this morning but found that there were four number 5s and a couple of 6s snaking up gloriastrasse, all of them stopped dead. perilous walk through the slush for nothing. it's beautiful, though. the girl took one look out the window and started shouting "santa, where are you!"
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