The coolest part of the park is all of the operational miniature railroads and cable cars surrounding the miniature buildings. It was also fun to see miniatures of places we've been to and be inspired to go to other parts of Switzerland. Here are some pictures from our visit. Right now I can't find our handy dandy guide to all of the buildings so I'm going to just have to wing it.
The two buildings on the left and the building on the "lake front" are all in the Lausanne area. We would love to go see them in person.
This was a preview for our visit to the top of San Salvatore the next day. In the foreground is the model of the tower at the top of the mountain and next to it is the mountain itself.
Here's a model of some cable cars and a bobsled run.
Another cable car and miniature train in the background.
And Little Geek Girl practicing her Godzilla growl.
After walking through the miniatures several times, riding the little train, and riding the boats, we went next door to play at the playground. We then took the S-bahn back to Lugano and walked down to the city center to find dinner. We ended up at the Spaghetti Store for an okay dinner of pizza and pasta, went in search of gelato, and then headed back to the hotel.
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