Friday, June 6, 2008

Things I wished we had moved, Version 1

When we moved from the US to Switzerland, we thought of it as an opportunity to purge our possessions.  Throughout the summer and fall I spent a lot of time on Craigslist and Freecycle finding people willing to pay or take our surplus of stuff (like my big bag of leftover yarn, or the excess fabric from my curtains).  We also were not sure how much of our moving expenses ZDG's employer would cover, so we were motivated to move as little as possible.

Here is the start of the list of things that I wished we had moved.  All easily replaced, but you still feel silly for leaving them behind.

1. French Press Coffee Maker.  

We received one for our wedding 14 years ago.  However we rarely used it.  I didn't drink coffee regularly (not after breaking an expensive piece of glassware during an internship a long time ago) and ZDG mostly drank coffee at work or when in Europe.  It was glass and breakable, so we decided to sell it.  

This weekend one of our friends is visiting, and we're having him and our mutual Swiss friends (he introduced us to them) over for Sunday brunch.  And we don't have a coffee maker of any sort!  Hopefully tea will provide enough caffeine.  We are contemplating buying some sort of coffee maker, but I think we need to do a little more research (ZDG really likes the Nespresso machine one our friends have).

2. Keyboard

We had a mini electronic keyboard.  I don't know what I was thinking but I was in purge and eliminate mode.  Now it would be useful for paying melodies of songs for LGG.  Currently I have to do it on the Xylophone, which only has eight notes.  We also have a harmonica, but I haven't figured out all of the notes on it (it's a 20-hole Mississippi).  If we get desperate, our downstairs neighbor has a piano so I can see if I can use it.  A couple of LGG's friends take keyboard lessons at the nearby music center, but she still says she wants to learn violin.  We'll see if we end up getting a keyboard of some sort.

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