Wednesday, June 4, 2008

How to ensure a good dream, and what happens if you touch a slug's butt

LGG told us today that she had a bad dream last night - apparently she was swinging in "a spider web swing" when "deep water" came.  It took us a while to work out that she meant a flood came and washed things away.  I think she had this dream because it was pouring rain last night and she was subconsciously aware of it.

She was worried about the dream coming back, so she wanted to know how to stop it.  I gave her some tricks to try -- imagine a tree full of butterflies to look at, or slugs to poke*, or silly games with me or ZMG -- and told her if that didn't work, she should call us and we'd come to give her hugs.

It looks like LGG decided to take action herself:

That is our old buddy, Biko the Gorilla, hugging her. 

*It has been raining here a fair bit recently, and LGG is fascinated by the slugs that are coming out.  We had dinner with some friends on Saturday, including a stroll through the countryside nearby, and our friends showed her what happens if you touch the eyestalk of a slug.  Since then, she has been asking, "When can I do that again?" and as we cleaned the bathroom together tonight, "Daddy, what happens if you touch a slug's butt?  Can I try it?"  Yet another entry on the list of questions I never expected to be asked...

1 comment:

TeacherSister said...

I remember ZGD (ZDG?) used to have very bad nightmares, I hope LGG's animal friend helps her!!