Monday, August 25, 2008

Back to Kindergarten

Little Geek Girl returned to school today. (Zurich Mama Geek does the happy dance). Zurich Daddy Geek walked LGG to school and I "sneaked up" on them as they approached the kindergarten. There are a total of six kids from last year and six new kids, so we're pretty happy with a class size of 12.

I went to pick LGG up at noon and she was a little disappointed I picked her up so close to the kindergarten, so I guess she's ready to walk a little further by herself. We came home and she chose a cold cuts and bread lunch and then played a little before it was time to go back up the hill.

I gave her the choice of walking or taking the bus and she chose walking. We arrived about five minutes before they opened the doors so I chatted with another mom (or tried at least) while she played a little with a couple of kids from the upstairs class. When class started I spoke to the teacher a little and she said that LGG is still not speaking German in class, but it will come with time.

Two hours later and it was time to pick her up. I've resolved to get more exercise, but after our walk down Rigi yesterday and several trips up and down the hill I decided to take the bus up the hill. This time I went down the path a little bit and hid behind the tree. I saw her come down the path so I hid, but unfortunately while she was running she fell. Fortunately I had some bandages (or plasters in British English) to stop the flow of blood until we came home.

It's now after dinner and we sent her to the playground at the back of the building. And she went by herself. We're not surprised that she came back and buzzed and asked one of us to come down, but we're impressed that she went. All steps to independence. However, she will always be my baby...

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