Friday, May 8, 2009

Stuff, stuff, and more stuff!

So the doctor diagnosed an ear infection, and possibly a sinus infection too, so I'm on antibiotics.  My hearing is still diminished in that ear, so I'm going to call and see if that's normal.  I'm also going to call because both Little Geek Girl and I are still coughing an awful lot at night.  Her cold ended about two weeks ago, but she's still coughing.  My nighttime cough sounds different than the daytime cough and it sucks.  

Tomorrow the rest of our household goods arrive!  I look forward to having furniture, but I'm not looking forward to unpacking and dealing with the stuff I put off dealing with in Zürich before we left.  We moved some broken electronics (iPod and camera) but I thought it would be easier to Freecycle (there's got to be a kid out there that wants to take them apart) or dispose of here than in Zürich.

Five days until internet in the apartment...

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