Saturday, May 9, 2009

When all else fails, call them toys

After the movers left, we were kind of amazed to see that there were 13 boxes marked toys.  I knew that Little Geek Girl had a lot of toys, and that there were probably books and clothes mixed in with the toys, but 13 boxes of the medium and large size!  

However, when we started unpacking, we realized that the movers decided near the end of packing decided that if they couldn't decide what to call the stuff in the boxes, they would call them toys -- ie towels, misc tubs, definitely not toys.  Kind of like what Angela ran into with the packers calling everything "linens" over on Continental Drift.  I was thinking that I was going to have to do a serious weeding out of toys, but there weren't as many as we thought.  And we've already decided to give the Duplos to a friend's son, so there's hope that we can try to thin out the toys a little bit.  In the meantime, LGG is thrilled to be with her toys again and there are toys everywhere.  Zürich Daddy Geek leaves for a business trip tomorrow, so we have tomorrow to play and straighten up.

When we moved from Colorado to Zürich, we were afraid we might have to pay for some of the shipping, so we went through everything to make sure nothing was packed that we didn't want move.  During this last move, things were so hectic that we tried to thin things out, but we didn't go through the rooms as thoroughly as we should have.  And therefore an ant trap was packed with LGG's toys.  Fortunately the icky stuff didn't get all over her toys, but next time, look for ant traps before the movers come.  Hopefully we don't find too many more unpleasant surprises.  I'm a little disappointed they didn't pack her books by themselves (they were mixed up with clothes and toys so some of the paperbacks are bent) but I know our books were packed separately and hopefully survived the journey.

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