Friday, May 1, 2009

Ear Infection

We have been very lucky that Little Geek Girl has only had one ear infection.  Well, this time it's my turn to have the ear infection.  Thursday night my ear was completely plugged up and quite painful.  It got a little better after some decongestant and ibuprofen.  Friday night I had a high fever.  I think they usually work themselves out even without antibiotics so it just depends on how painful it gets.  At least our health care cards arrived in the mail yesterdy so I don't have to explain to someone that we *do* have insurance, just not the cards.  

Just another little stumbling block on the transition back to life in the U.S.  

And ten more days until internet in the apartment.  We're not counting or anything.


TeacherSister said...

I'm thinking an ear infecotersction should be looked at... sorry you guys ae having such a miserable start. xoxoxo Abigail

Tina said...

Having grown up with my ears, I vote go to the doctor.