Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Licensed in Switzerland

If you have a US driver's license and apply for a Swiss driver's license within one year of arriving it's a straightforward procedure of filling out a form, getting your eyes checked, and paying a fee.  If you don't do it within one year, you may be required to take additional driving courses and tests so it's in your best interest to get your Swiss license before that year is up.

However, last December when we sold the house, the closing agent decided to lose our licenses.  So we got new ones.  Unfortunately the CO licenses have the date that they were issued, but not how long you have been licensed.  Based on Global Librarian's experience, we knew that we might have to provide some additional paperwork to prove how long we had been licensed.  We decided that we would apply one at a time so one of us would always have a US driver's license.  If we had thought about it at the time we should have ordered our CO driving records, but we were kind of busy with Christmas and getting ready to move out of the country.

Luckily (?) I had received a speeding ticket in 2004 and had ordered a copy of my driving record in hopes of pleading leniency with the judge.  (I ended up paying the fine instead of getting a court date, but it turns out the police officer never turned in the ticket so I got my money back).  I'm really good at following directions, so I returned to the Kreisburo (district office) as instructed to submit my application and driver's license.  I also tried to give her my CA driving record, but she said that the department would contact me if they needed additional information.  A week later I received a letter asking me to call them.  I spoke to someone and explained to her my situation and she said that the CA driving record would be sufficient.  I mailed the CA driving record last Tuesday and on Saturday I received my Swiss license and my CO license back (with a sticker saying not valid in Switzerland which was easily removed).

ZDG is going to CO next week, so he'll order his CO driving record and when he returns I think he'll go directly to the driving department so he won't have the delay of waiting for a letter requesting he call the office.  

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