Wednesday, May 28, 2008

It's warm, but not sunny

We've been having highs in the upper 70s (°F) with humidity, so it's warm.  However it's also overcast, so it kind of confuses me.  Having lived in California and Colorado, I'm used to sunshine accompanying my warmth.  But I guess overcast and warm is also a common occurrence in other parts of the US.  

We had a whirlwind couple of days while ZDG was back and now he's been gone a couple of days.  While he was here we finally went to Zeughauskeller, which is a restaurant in the old armory.  Little Geek Girl had chicken nuggets, ZDG has a spicy hungarian sausage and potato salad, and I had the "Kalbsgeschnetzeltes" Zürich style (sliced veal and mushrooms in creamy white-wine sauce) with rosti.  Call me a heathen, but I thought it was just okay.  

Sunday we took ZDG to the airport and then LGG and I went to the zoo.  We had a good time looking at all of the painted camels and then played at Bug World and visited the petting zoo.  

Monday afternoon we met LGF and her dad in downtown Zürich.  We fed ducks at Bellevue and Burkliplatz and showed them our favorite tree to climb in the Arboretum and went to Globus am Bellevue for dinner.

1 comment:

MW said...

Ugh! I am not good with humidity, when I moved from the Sacramento valley to the Bay area I kept wondering why it was so muggy. I'll start pysching myself up for the challenge now!