Saturday, May 10, 2008

A note about sending mail

The other day we received a package in the mail from ZDG's mom.  Included in the package was another letter from ZDG's sister.  However, if that letter had been mailed independently, we might not have received it.  It had our first names, but not our last names.

In Switzerland, mail is delivered to a mailbox with your name on it.  Our mailbox is labeled with our first initials and last names.  Unless the mail has our last names on it, we won't get it.  

Of course that doesn't mean we don't get lots of junk mail.  Since we're still trying to furnish the apartment and getting to know the stores I don't mind the adverts too much.  Some of our neighbors have "please no junk mail" stickers on their mailboxes and one day we may put one on ours to see if it works.  


Global Librarian said...

Um, don't most people put the addressee's last name on an envelope when sending through the mail?

Would the sister-in-law have sent it without a last name through the post office if it hadn't vbeen included with the package?

Just wondering...

Zurich Mama Geek said...

In the US, we successfully received mail addressed to Auntie Firstname, Uncle Firstname, and Cousin Firstname. I think US mail just needs a last name for forwarding purposes.