Friday, May 9, 2008

Late night encounter on the Zürich tram system

This evening, LGG and I went to meet ZDG at his work.  We weren't sure if we were going to go out to dinner, or go for a walk and then go home for dinner.  However, LGG's shoe decided for us.  The front of her right sneaker sole has been loose for a while and this evening about half of it detached.  We surgically repaired it with a couple of rubber bands and headed home.  ZDG is heading to the US  soon and we had planned on having him pick up some new sneakers for LGG then, but I think we're going shoe shopping tomorrow.

We decided to have dinner at home and go to the city for dessert.  We took the bus and tram to the Central tram station and then walked through the Niederdorf.  We stopped for dessert at Cake Friends, which is a block away from the Bellevue tram stop.  Cake Friends has the bonus of being non-smoking.  We decided to share the sampler platter, which consisted of slices of cake (baked in a loaf pan) served with syrups, fruit, and creams.  LGG has been with me a couple of times and we know she can easily scarf down two slices of cake with no hesitation.  

It was getting late (for us) so we went to catch the tram towards home.  I thought that LGG was going to sit next to me so I sat in a bench seat for two, but LGG sat in the back of the tram with ZDG.  I noticed that in the single seat across the aisle from me there was a bag from a bakery and when a woman sat down in the seat, she looked down and grimaced.  I'm not sure if it contained rubbish or something else, but I didn't think much else of it.  At the next tram stop someone sat next to me.  The first thing I noticed was the body odor.  I carefully glanced sideways and the person appeared respectable, but pretty soon it was obvious that he was intoxicated by something.  He leaned forward and rested his head against the seat ahead of us and was swaying from side to side.  I turned around to catch ZDG's eye to let him know that I was potentially in an awkward position.  

After a couple of stops, ZDG came over to help me climb over the back of my seat.  At that same stop the woman who was sitting across the aisle got off the tram and the man moved across to that seat.  Ticket control came on board and we showed our monthly passes (I've been checked multiple times, but that was ZDG's second check in the whole time we've been here).  The guy woke up enough to show his pass.  

The funny thing is that when he got off the tram, I noticed that he was carrying the bakery bag.  Did we just witness a very risky dead drop?  Or was he just so out of it that he assumed that it was his bag?

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