Sunday, May 18, 2008

A little boo boo

Last week Global Librarian posted about cultural differences in treating boo boos.  I thought about that today as I dealt with a hurt child in the middle of Zürich and knew there wasn't a chance I'd find any ice easily.

First a little recap of the last several days.

On Friday LGG attended a music class at the local community center.  When we first received the flyer I suggested it to LGG and of course she said that she didn't want to take it.  But she needs exposure to Swiss-German and other kids so we decided to just sign her up for it and not make it an option.  It helped that we had to buy her a pair of no-slip socks for the class and they had ducks on them.  One of the neighbor girls was also in the class so that was nice for them to start to get to know each other. I spoke to neighbor girl's mom (in English) and to two other moms (in German).  I really need to get the German classes going so I can move beyond "My name is...", "We moved here...", and "We'll be here..".  The challenge is finding the right class and schedule.

On Saturday evening we went over to LGF's house for dinner.  LGG and I headed to the city earlier in the afternoon.  It wasn't raining when we left home, but by the time we got to the train station it was raining.  LGG was ready for a snack, but I knew there wouldn't be anyplace to sit and eat in the train station and it would be all wet outside.  (LGG likes to sit when she eats.  Sometimes this is good.  Sometimes this is a pain).  The "stuffed animal museum" was open and near LGF's apartment, so we headed over there to eat snack and visit the stuffed animals.  We then went to LGF's house and had a nice evening playing outside, eating vegetable lasagna, and listening to the girls shriek in delight while playing.  

Today the weather service predicted a 90% chance for rain, but I was still determined to go out for a little bit.  And it stayed clear even until after lunch.  We took the bus and tram down to Burkliplatz so we could feed some bread to the ducks.  Running, sloped cobblestones, and rain boots do not mix and LGG fell.  She got some scratches on her nose and bit her lip.  Now last year, when I opened the car door on LGG's face (it was a borrowed car) we just went into the Target and they gave us a bag of ice and a scoop of ice cream for LGG.  I didn't think it would be that easy to find ice in Zürich, so I decided to get her a popsicle to ice her nose and her lip (It's a floor wax and a dessert topping!).

It hadn't started raining yet, but LGG was too cold in just a t-shirt and rain jacket, so I decided to head home.  It started raining on the way home.  Now she's watching Schoolhouse Rock on You Tube.  She prefer Multiplication Rock and Interplanet Janet.  I haven't managed to convince her to watch any of the Grammer Rock videos.

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