Wednesday, May 14, 2008

On our own

Back in the US, ZDG would travel a lot.  Today, ZDG is leaving us for the first time in four months.  LGG was a little sad when he dropped her off at kindergarten this morning.  We should be okay, but it will be different since I don't have the same support system here as I had in the US.

A short recap of the the past half of a week.

On Saturday we went to buy LGG a new pair of sneakers.  And they were only CHF 15!  We decided she's an European size 28, which is around a 10.5 in US.  ZDG might still pick up some sandals for her in the US.  We also went by the farmer's market and ran into a family from LGG's old kindergarten.  The mom recommended a bakery stand and told us which stand had the best meat.  We bought some strawberries but were a little disappointed.  We stopped by the Migros and the store itself wasn't crazy, but the lines to pay were very long since Saturday was the last day to grocery shop before the long weekend.  This past weekend was Pentecost and that meant the shops would be closed for Whit Monday.  LGG had a runny nose and I was really tired, so Saturday afternoon I stayed home and rested and ZDG and LGG went in search of a cell phone for him to use for the US trip and visit a playground.

Sunday was Mother's Day and we had a very relaxed day around the house.  In the afternoon we rode our bikes to the Katzensee.   We didn't bring our swimsuits this time, but we will the next.  LGG was happy enough just wading around in the water.  ZDG and I took turns watching LGG and relaxing on the towel with our books.  For the last year we have been so focused on painting the house, selling the house, and moving to Zürich that we feel almost lost now without a purpose.  There are still things we need to take care of, but now we have time to actually live.  

Monday was another around the house day.  In the afternoon ZDG and LGG went to the forest to play and go for a long walk and that evening I went down to the river to play some beach volleyball.  I was very tempted to chicken out, but I found the English-speaking folks and was able to play a couple of games.  

Last night I went to the local Migros Klubschule to determine which level of German class I should take.  It's a 36 question multiple choice test, so you have a 25% chance of getting the right answer.  I got 12/12 right in the first third, 6/12 in the middle third, and 2/12 in the last third, so I should take A1/3.  There's a semi-intensive class that meets two afternoons a week starting this afternoon, but I don't think I'll be able to find babysitting that quickly.  We'll see if I try to join a class in progress or wait until the fall to start classes.  

We all have a cold and as usual, LGG is not slowed down by it at all.  I think I've been hardest hit with the scratchy throat, congestion, and sinus headache.  Last night I took the wonder drug Nyquil and had a good night's sleep, so hopefully I'll be able to keep up with LGG for the next week.

1 comment:

Zurich Daddy Geek said...

ZDG is sad to be leaving LGG and you as well!